Thursday, February 17, 2011

hopes of spring

The evenings are starting to lengthen and now at 6 pm it is still light enough for me to find the light switches to turn the lights on. It is definitely studio time, I just can't stop drawing and it is inspiring. Today the weather was so inviting and the sky so clear that I was compelled to walk to the other studio to work on a new piece I have been developing. Then I wandered through the streets of the old city en route to my other studio to work on a smaller intense tree drawing.

The sunshine tempts me into thinking it is spring. I am waiting for the birds to start nesting in the eaves of the house opposite me. They have chosen a spot next to the central heating chimney and they can manage two nests a year with a long spring and good summer. It is still quiet, so spring is a few weeks away. Cool, crisp days and palest blue skies that ascend endlessly over the city gives vertical space that the 17th & 18th century street pattern misses on the ground.

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